Garth Brooks Breaks Down Onstage in Oklahoma: “They Wouldn’t Stop Booing”

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Garth Brooks Breaks Down Onstage in Oklahoma: “They Wouldn’t Stop Booing”

In a twist that could outdo any country song, Garth Brooks managed to “Bud Light” his entire career. For those not in the know, “Bud Light” has taken on a new meaning as a verb that signifies “to destroy.” As in, “Garth Brooks sure did Bud Light his career.”

At a recent country festival in Mastitoqua, Oklahoma, Brooks discovered that the country community still hasn’t forgiven him for calling them a-holes.

“I’ll never forget,” said former Garth Brooks Fan Club President Joe Barron, “I gave up a lot when I stepped down. I was in charge of a group on Facebook with over 600,000 members. They trusted Garth. When he did what he did, the group emptied. Now it’s just leftist trolls and a really bad Harry Potter meme.”

The crowd in Mastitaqua echoed the same sentiment. Poor Morgan Wallen had the unfortunate task of introducing him, something he vows never to do again. Can you blame him?

After the incident, Brooks made a beeline for the nearest Target to grab some Bud Light.

“It’s the only thing that keeps me sane anymore,” he confessed to Correspondent Tara Newhole, “that and my Nikes. And plain red coffee cups. Gosh, dang, I love those things.”

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